Yvette Gwin

Experiencing loss and grief ? Yes, I had experienced it on many levels.  Prior techniques only glossed over my symptoms. Moments That Make You was life changing for me. The tools  I learned not only allowed me to give my grief and fear a voice, I was able to let go and release the inner pain. Falling in love with the work made my desire grow even stronger to help others benefit from this program of grief recovery. I would love to be your guide and support you to own these tools that will last a lifetime. 

*30 years of experience as an integrative bodyworker. Trained in Body/Mind Connection.

*Owned and Developed product line to support wellness and comfort. 

*Certified Moments That Make You Grief Counselor

*Certified  Moments That Make You Grief Mentor

530-370-8505  | esqzet@gmail.com