When Children Grieve- Myth 4: Keep Busy; Part Two

When Children Grieve- Myth 4: Keep Busy; Part Two

Keeping busy... oh yes that was what we were defragging. Here's what we were going to discuss: What would block the child from moving through their grief? How long do they need to keep out of their normal functions of life; like school, work, chores etc? Is this...

When Children Grieve- Myth 4: Keep Busy; Part One

When Children Grieve- Myth 4: Keep Busy; Part One

Oh my word, don't we love to stay busy! Keep moving long enough until we hopefully fall into the bed exhausted enough to sleep... Oh I was very good at that one. What we know about keeping busy is that in addition to being exhausted, it can create a dangerous...

When Children Grieve- Myth 4: Be Strong

When Children Grieve- Myth 4: Be Strong

If you're old enough you might remember this commercial from years ago. (If you don't remember you most likely are not in the silver hair club yet! Ha!) A little boy and his father are walking down a street. The father kicks an empty can on the street. The...

When Children Grieve-Myth 3:Grieve Alone

When Children Grieve-Myth 3:Grieve Alone

We have looked at grief with regard to not acknowledging our feelings; “don't feel bad” which did NOT work and led some well-meaning family and/or friends to encourage us to replace the loss. That leads to the premise that someone new or something else will...

When Children Grieve-Myth 2:Replace The Loss

When Children Grieve-Myth 2:Replace The Loss

Last time I blogged about the myth, "Don't feel bad" when we grieve. In the words of Dr. Phil, "How's that working out for you?" We can see the downfall of not acknowledging the feelings we have when we grieve. More than one client of mine has felt that their lifelong...

When Children Grieve-Myth 1: Don’t Feel Bad

When Children Grieve-Myth 1: Don’t Feel Bad

Have you ever wondered if you were doing a good job with your child’s reaction to grief and loss? Well if you grew up like me, having feelings of loss acknowledged in a healthy way was unheard of. Which leaves us with an empty feeling in our souls. I’d like to...

Grief For Lost Heath

Grief For Lost Heath

One of the many myths about grief is that it is always about a death. The definition of grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior. With that in mind, I’d like to discuss...

Life’s Time travel Closet?

Life’s Time travel Closet?

Have you ever wished you had a closet that allowed you to time travel? One that would allow you to travel forward or backwards in time to see events in your life… And after seeing those events could you alter your life to make decisions that would serve you better. If...



Closure: The ultimate expectation in grief work! For starters let me explain my definition of expectations. It is what you think ought to happen as a result of what you do, say, think, or plan. Expectations set us up to believe that something must be a certain way for...